11 Juli ANNA & PAUL
Last week we had been travelling to Hong Kong (more about our little adventure here) and I still can’t believe that I had the chance of meeting this beautiful sunshine and her little cutiepatootie again for breakfast.
Anna and I had met five years ago at this wonderful photo shoot. Ever since we had been in loose contact following along each other’s journeys. It was so inspiring and uplifting meeting her again in person, and I immediately encouraged her to start a blog about living life as an expat with her beautiful little family in Hong Kong, because it is so incredibly amazing what she is been up to.
The internet has made our world a smaller place in so many ways. Although we feel all very grateful for all the technical devices and possibilities we may enjoy in this 21st century, and that social media does a great thing of keeping us all informed about each other and connected, I still strongly believe that face to face interactions and physical attendance can never be replaced by any modern technology. We humans need social interactions, looking someone in the face, embracing and touching this person to feel fulfilled and truly happy.
With social media getting bigger and bigger, I have found that I am my happiest when I get to meet my friends in person, soaking it all in. Meeting this beautiful soul in Hong Kong again was such a treat. I definitely left happier, refreshed and recharged. 🙂

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